Kubernetes - Installation via Script

Kubernetes - Installation via Script

The script accepts several optional parameters to customize the installation process:

--os=<os>: Specify the operating system (default: detected automatically).

--version=<version>: Specify the version to install (default: latest).

--docsdir=<docsdir>: Specify the directory for documentation (default: current directory).

--tmpdir=<tmpdir> : Specify the temporary directory for downloads (default: /tmp/scopearctl ).

--installdir=<installdir> : Specify the installation directory (default: /usr/local/bin).

--nodocs: Skip downloading and setting up documentation.

--nodownload: Skip downloading the binary and only perform installation steps.

Example Command

curl -sSL <https://release.scopear.com/scopearctl/install> | sh -s -- --version=1.0.0 --installdir=/opt/scopear

Detailed Script Steps

  • Validation: This checks whether the operating system is Linux or macOS. If not, it exits with an error.

  • Download: This function constructs the download URL based on the specified version and channel and then downloads the archive to the temporary directory.

  • Checksum Verification: If checksum verification is enabled, the script downloads the checksum file and verifies the integrity of the downloaded archive.

  • Extraction: The downloaded archive is extracted to the temporary directory.

  • Documentation: If documentation setup is enabled, the script downloads the documentation files to the specified directory.

  • Installation: The binary is moved to the specified installation directory, and execution permissions are set.

  • Cleanup: Temporary files and directories are removed.

Example Install Scenarios

Install the Latest Version:

curl -sSL <https://release.scopear.com/scopearctl/install> | sh

Install a Specific Version:

curl -sSL <https://release.scopear.com/scopearctl/install> | sh -s -- --version=3.37.2

Install Without Documentation:

curl -sSL <https://release.scopear.com/scopearctl/install> | sh -s -- --nodocs

Install to Custom Directories:

curl -sSL <https://release.scopear.com/scopearctl/install> | sh -s -- \\ --installdir=/opt/scopearctl \\ --docsdir=/opt/scopearctl/docs \\ --tmpdir=/opt/scopearctl/tmp


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