The following queries are SAMPLES. As a consumer of the Scope GraphQL API, you can design and use any properly formed query to retrieve the data that you require.
For more information, see “Introduction to the Scope GraphQL API“.
Use Case: Session Data Retrieval
As an analyst, I want to know which users have completed a particular Scenario so that I can issue credit to the users relating to the associated learning module in my system-of-record.
I will use a GraphQL client to retrieve Scenario Session data from the Scope GraphQL API which is not otherwise available in the Scope CMS user interface.
The GraphiQL client application is installed and configured to communicate with the Scope GraphQL API (see “Exploring the Graph”)
The following query is executed:
query { node(id: "INSERT_ID_OF_SCENARIO") { ... on Scenario { sessions { nodes { id state user { id name } } } } } }
The JSON response is reformatted to CSV (using any relevant tool) for merge with system-of-record data and/or reporting.
Retrieving A Single Scenario Session’s Data
query SampleScenarioSessionNodeQueryDemonstratingImportantFields($id: ID!) { node(id: $id) { ... on ScenarioSession { startedAt endedAt duration idleDuration numberOfStepsPossible numberOfStepsViewed percentOfStepsViewed state externalData # NOTE: this is where query params passed from the System of Record can be found scenarioRelease { author { id name } publishedAt scenario { author { id name } description name originGroup { id name } publishedAt } type version } events { nodes { id createdAt receivedAt type externalData } } steps { nodes { scenarioStep { name orderIndex scenarioSequence { name } } } } } } }
Retrieving All Scenario Session Data
query SampleAllScenarioSessionsQueryDemonstratingImportantFields { viewer { organization { scenarioSessions { nodes { startedAt endedAt duration idleDuration numberOfStepsPossible numberOfStepsViewed percentOfStepsViewed state externalData # NOTE: this is where query params passed from the System of Record can be found scenarioRelease { author { id name } publishedAt scenario { author { id name } description name originGroup { id name } publishedAt } type version } events { nodes { id createdAt receivedAt type externalData } } steps { nodes { scenarioStep { name orderIndex scenarioSequence { name } } } } } } } } }