Kubernetes - Troubleshooting and Support

Kubernetes - Troubleshooting and Support

Common Issues and Resolutions Installation

Ensure you have curl, shasum, and tar installed. Verify you have sufficient permissions to install to the specified directory (use sudo if necessary). If the download fails, check for network issues. 


These can be common. Simply edit the config file and re-apply the changes. Kubernetes will handle most of the changes by default; however, if it's just a ConfigMap change, the pod that uses the config might need to be restarted in the environment. 

Apply issues

Ensure you have the correct expected version of scopearctl installed. You can find it by running scopearctl help. Verify you have sufficient permissions to apply manifests to the K8s cluster in the current context. If the connection fails, check for network issues.

Contact Us

For any issues or further assistance, please contact the scopearctl support team at devops@scopear.com


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