Kubernetes - Setup for Pulling Images

Kubernetes - Setup for Pulling Images

You will need a DockerHub account to pull all the required images for the ScopeAR setup. If you do not have an account, please contact support@scopear.com to obtain an account. Additionally, depending on where you are pulling the images from, you'll need to configure the appropriate Docker credentials:

  • Pulling from DockerHub: If you pull images directly from the ScopeAR DockerHub registry from the Kubernetes cluster, the Kubernetes secret must contain the Docker username and password for the ScopeAR DockerHub account.

  • Pulling from an internal 'staging' registry: If your setup uses an internal 'staging' registry, the secret should be configured with the Docker username and password for the registry.

To create a Kubernetes secret with these credentials, use the following command:

kubectl create secret docker-registry scopear-registry \   --docker-server=<your-docker-registry-domain> \   --docker-username=<your-username> \   --docker-password=<your-password> \   --docker-email=<your-email>


Note: The secret name must be scopear-registry. This is the hard-coded value for imagePullSecrets: in the k8s manifests.


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