Kubernetes - Creating Kubernetes Secrets

Kubernetes - Creating Kubernetes Secrets

This guide outlines how to create Kubernetes secrets for the various services required in your environment. Replace <namespace> and <REDACTED> with the appropriate namespace and sensitive values.

Database Secrets


kubectl create secret generic scopear-cms-mysql \   --namespace=<namespace> \   --from-literal=password=<REDACTED>


MongoDB (C2):

kubectl create secret generic scopear-c2-mongodb \   --namespace=<namespace> \   --from-literal=mongodb_password=<REDACTED>

SMTP Secrets


kubectl create secret generic scopear-cms-smtp \   --namespace=<namespace> \   --from-literal=password=<REDACTED>

Object Storage Secrets

MinIO (if using MinIO for object storage):

AWS S3 Access Keys (if using AWS S3 w/o IAM Authentication):

For CMS Storage:

For C2 Storage:

Redis Secrets

Redis Auth Token (if using AWS Elasticache with authentication tokens):

TURN Server (Coturn) Secrets

If using Coturn for Remote Assist:

IoT Secrets

If using IoT:


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